Lighthouse Design

Beyond the trees coillte
branding project

Building the brand

Every branding project starts with a client discussion. We discuss deliverables, timelines, colour pallette, type, imagery and everything related to the brand and its target audience. In the case of Coillte Beyond The Trees, the client wanted to reflect the sister brand of Coillte within the design whilst also showcasing elements the audience would encounter in a typical Coillte site.

The aim of the brand was to make an appealing visual mark to a wide audience of young and old alike. The brand would need to be workable across a wide range of media, everything from web, signage and print. These parameters helped to shape the initial first draft concepts and ultimately helped to shape the colour pallete selected.

The project began as it usually does with some visual research into the sister brand, competitors and peers within similar market places. From there, the first round drafts began with a wide range of varying styles presented to the client helping us to narrow it down to 3 versions to focus on.

From there we focused in on a modern look with traditional elements, taking the style of Coillte’s brand and including some hidden hints to the brand to strengthen ties between the two. The elements of the design were chosen to reflect what one might come across whilst visiting one of Coillte’s many sites and attractions.

Our Approach
After winning the Tender, based on the budget we typically like to set usually 4 rounds of drafts and concepts aside to reach a final brand design. Round 1 consists of rough concepts exploring a wide variety of styles the brand can take. Round 2 is where we refine usually 3 options based on the clients feedback and their prefered options, often taking bits and pieces from different concepts. Round 3 is where the final option really starts to take shape and we focus on the finer details, ensuring your brand is perfect, and then we start to experiment with colour pallets. This is accompanied by digital mock ups to get a good idea of how the branding would look on various materials. Round 4 is delivering the final brand for sign off.

What we deliver
With every branding project we deliver a final logo in a brand pack consisting of various file formats from vector to pixel ensuring that your brand is workable across every platform it’s needed for making it future proof. Most logo’s will consist of a primary, secondary and tertiary colour scheme so the brand pack will be split into folders containing each in an array of file formats.

Brand Guideline books
With any branding project that is going to involve a number of suppliers for various media we highly recommend adding a brand guideline book to the project. This allows us to breakdown the brand and layout all the information needed from colour specs to type information. This ensures that regardless of what print company is used in the future, the shade and finish will always match the brand’s chosen colour scheme. We can custom build the brand book to your spec and budget with mini brand books also available.